CHM In Action Newsletter USA: February 2017

CHM In Action Newsletter USA: February 2017

The annual conference of our ministry in the USA was held on Saturday the 12th of November 2016 in Lakeland, Florida. The theme of the day was Faith for Healing (Exodus 15:26). 

Among several activities of the day was a time of testimony to God’s healing. One of the special guests at the conference, Bishop Jim Hampton, who presented chaplaincy certificates to some of the members, testified to the power of God for healing his back pain following a time of prayer at the conference. 

Other testimonies included that of a woman who had been healed of breast cancer and a man who was on a respirator for a week for respiratory failure caused by a collapsed lung following a fall. This man was prayed for regularly by CHM volunteers while in hospital. 

He made a good recovery and was well enough to attend the conference in Lakeland following his discharge from the hospital a week earlier (see photo below). The health seminar at the conference which focused on cancer of the colon and hypertension was professionally delivered by Mary Esele, a senior nursing consultant. 

We give thanks to God for His healing and also for the blessing of eight new volunteers who joined the ministry during the conference.


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